Memorial Union Terrace chairs and tables with Mendota lake in the background

Advancing learning for all to positively impact the world.

Founded in 2022, the Center for Innovation in Engineering Education (CIEE) researches, applies, and disseminates educational innovations that advance learning for all and equips future engineers to positively impact the world. The three strands of the Center (Scholarship, Instructional Support & Development, and Leadership Education) are woven together to create a holistic approach that advances teaching and learning in the College of Engineering.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Support, advance, and disseminate scholarship of teaching and learning to advance practice and inform strategic decisions.

Nosbusch Professors

SoTL Projects


Instructional Support & Development

The Collaboratory for Engineering Education and Teaching Excellence (CEETE) partners with faculty, instructional staff, and administration to support and continuously improve teaching, learning, and the student experience.


Leadership Education

Support and advance student leadership development through curricular and co-curricular programming, including the Grand Challenges Scholars Program.

Grand Challenges

Emerging Leaders in Engineering